Defensive Driving

What is Defensive Driving, aka Driver Improvement or Traffic ​School?

Defensive Driving is a 6-hour program that Allied Learning Center offers to people who need point reductions, insurance savings, or a court-ordered class. It can help you become a better driver and focuses on good driving habits. It is not a behind-the-wheel class.

​​Why take Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement or traffic school?

    • Many courts in the state of Georgia will dismiss a ticket for a traffic violation if you have a certificate from this class in hand. If the court dismisses your ticket, there will be no points going on your driving record and your insurance will not increase.
    • If the judge doesn’t dismiss the ticket, he can reduce the fine by up to 20%, resulting in fewer points going on your record. Defensive Driving
    • If you have already paid the fine, you can go to DDS and have up to 7 points removed from your record. This can be done every five years.
    • ​​If you are under the age of 21 and are sited for 1 or more tickets that accumulate 4 or more points on your license in a 12 month period, you must take this class for reinstatement of your license.​
    • If your license is suspended or revoked, you must complete this class before your license reinstatement occurs.
    • If you have a clean driving record for 3 years, you may take this class to receive up to a 20% discount on your auto insurance premium. The discount percentage is determined by your insurance company and does expire after 3 years, at which time you can retake the class.​

What’s the Cost for the Defensive Driving Class?

    • If for insurance ONLY and you have absolutely no citations within the last three years, DDS will allow us to charge $65.
    • For ALL OTHER reasons, the cost of the class is $95 for the 6-hour course. The six hours are broken up two 3-hour sessions, scheduled to be completed in one or two days.
    • Please call us to reserve your spot. We can take payment for the class over the phone, online, or in person.​


Please call and register to reserve your seat.
Class schedule subject to change.
Remote classes are  not currently available for this curriculum.






Contact Us Regarding Defensive Driving

Telephone: 912-257-3307
Email:  [email protected]

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    Traffic Court Reference Manual Driver's Manual

    Driver Improvement License #2230